Slumpy's News
Incorporate fusible art glass and glaze onto clay with this exciting new technique. Get a stunning antique effect when you melt glass on a clay vessel.
Slumpy's New Storefront! October 2013 SlumpFest 2013 October 2013 Glass Art October 2013 Employee of the Month April 2013 The Epic Award January 2013 The Banner News August 2012 Click here to read the article.
Carolina Frit May 2011 Expanded line of Carolina Frit to include Coarse, Medium and Fine glass frit sizes in a wide variety of color.
Crystal Fusion Technique April 2011 Incorporate fusible art glass and glaze onto clay vessels with this exciting new technique created by Michael Harbridge. Get a stunning antique effect when you melt glass down the sides of a clay vessel. Try out Duncan glazes with Carolina Frit or Glass Pebbles. Learn more about this exciting new technique with Alternative Firing Methods by Michael Harbridge.
Dichroic Glass from CBS April 2011 Slumpy's now supplies Dichroic glass from Coatings by Sanberg, Inc.
Paragon Kilns January 2011 Paragon Industries, L.P. is the leading manufacturer of electric kilns and furnaces. Get started with glass fusing and slumping with any of Slumpy's selection of Paragon kilns.